America’s Most Dangerous Export

I saw a swamp of deception: It reminded me Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness - the place where satan would try to force God’s hand: to Prove himself as the Messiah of the second coming (Revelation 19:11-22) - before He had fulfilled the first (it is finished) - the Salvation of the world. The same thing is happening today: People are chasing the glory of the second coming - without embracing the Cross (the penitence) of the first. I appealed to the Lord “It seems that so many of us don’t want to Repent - we want to ‘party’…We don’t want to lament and fast - we want to feast and celebrate…And it seems we will follow any TV/internet personality who will give us what we want. But surely repentance is the ONLY way we will see revival. We even seem to have our own plan as to what revival will look like. Big gatherings - big platforms - Even our revival meetings seem to be about us…how is God going to use US: Does God exist for us? - or do we exist for God? Dominionism says “ ...