I apologize because this is a long one:
Excerpt from prophetic word posted Fri 05/15/20
“And as the prayers of the Saints went up from the Alter before God, I saw flames - fire in the midst of the incense. Like the fire of Pentecost but different:
This was white fire - white heat:- The refining fire of God; a white heat of resurrection and transformation” ~~~
05/17/20: And an angel came and took the fire from the alter and I saw something like a door open up between Heaven and Earth. Angels began descending and ascending with prayer mixed with the fire. I did not see nations - only individual hearts that the fire began to burn within - Saints who were looking Heavenwards. (Philippians 3:13-14; Colossians 3:1-17). I saw the burning in people’s hearts and also in their MINDS. As these purifying fires burned, I sensed black smoke begin rising up - from hidden sin, demonic strongholds and mental addictions being surfaced and dealt with. From this conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement, a great weeping and repentance arose. It is from out of this that I believe TRUE revival - rain - will come (not false-not forced-not manufactured).
Matthew 24:12-13: I have become so aware of this in my own life - it’s going on all around us. This is why we MUST, when He knocks, open the door.
Acts ch. 2. (Some of us will be “cut to the heart”π)
Seek the Lord~~~~~~~π
“A prophetic anointing is coming...a GREAT prophetic anointing is coming.” Kim Clement: Mt Carmel 2008. It is through this prophetic anointing and the fire of God that, I sensed the Lord showed me, three things will be - must be spiritually re-built:-
~~ The Wall (Nehemiah): the boundary line that God set....the place where He makes a distinction between what is good and what is evil; what is right and what is wrong;
~~ The Temple (Ezra): That Place within man where the glory of God comes to Rest; where the dwelling place of God is with men; an individual life surrendered, purified and set apart; a Place of selfless prayer and unbridled praises to God - for all nations.
~~The Alter (Elijah): The Cross - the place of the blood of the Eternal covenant, where through repentance a person is Saved from Death and Hell; where the vale is torn and man can enter in to meet with God face to face.
At the same time, the alters, temples and walls that have been built by man within the Church - walls of division and suppression, will begin to be broken down.
Seek the Lord~~~~~~~π
Excerpt from prophetic word posted 04/12/20
“What may seem flawed and broken to you, comes before The LORD as complete, perfected, utterly beautiful and astonishingly powerful - because it is coming through the Blood, and it is coming through unity.
We may be fragmented and scattered throughout the Earth, but, when they reach the alter of God, our prayers (those powerful prayers of the saints) became ONE and the glory of God begins to fall - Psalm 133 .
The Lord says: Only when we become one at the alter of sacrifice (the cross), with Him and with each other, will we then become One at the alter of incense (prayer)Romans 6:5. The call in this hour is to seek the LORD: He is SO READY to be found.”
Seek the Lord~~~~~~~π
From out of surrender comes unity and from out of unity comes POWER✝️❣️π₯π₯
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