So having just watched another report on imminent mandatory vaccination and tracking, this is what I felt the Lord put on my heart:

According to the Bible, when the man of lawlessness (the Beast from the sea or the Anti-christ) is revealed (Revelation 13:1-8), the False Prophet (second beast coming up from the earth) will shortly follow. (Revelation 13:11-15). The aim of this individual is to cause everyone to worship the Anti-christ, by performing “astounding miracles” in his name.  He is the one who, the Bible says, will “cause everyone, great and small to receive a mark in the right hand or on the forehead...” (Revelation 13:16).

Neither the Anti-christ nor False Prophet have yet been revealed - but Satan IS testing the water. His armies are forming ranks and we are now beginning to see this clearly. (But: see also 2Kings 6:15-17)

So what does this mean for us? (Lam 3:22-23; Psalms 103:8): God in His mercy is giving us essential warning signs and vital time to prepare ourselves- and anyone else who will hear; time to learn to trust in the life giving, life saving power of the blood of Jesus: It is our inoculation - and everything else we need. All of these ‘microchip tryouts’- ‘foreshocks’ if you will, have both a purpose of the devil and a purpose of God. 

~The devil’s purpose, I strongly believe, is to slowly indoctrinate the masses with the idea that micro implants are essential, for the apparent universal unity and ‘salvation’ of all mankind, (in a replay of Genesis 11:1-9), using this current pandemic as a springboard. It is a slippery slope which I believe, once embarked upon, will be very difficult to escape from and will ultimately lead mankind all the way to Revelation 13:16.

~God’s purpose is to awaken the Church to our rescue mission and show us that His coming is near - right at the door; to awaken us to the Truth of His Word: that what has been written WILL come to pass; and to teach us that, whatever happens after this, His Church MUST be ready and reliant on Him -for everything and everyone entrusted to us (Deuteronomy 8 ). We are not of this world - and the  people who are of this world must see this.

We must not let our guard down for a moment to what is going on, but His Church must set her face like flint upon the LORD, looking for His provision and true Salvation. Do not forget We Have The Answer - and the blood of Yeshua is more than enough- for everything. The current pandemic should have awoken us to this. 

Pentecost is almost upon us: If there is one thing we need to be right now, it is awake, alert and hidden in Christ, like those first apostles. God in His mercy is doing just that....And  as the prayers of the Saints went up from the Alter before God, I saw flames - fire in the midst of the incense. Like the fire of Pentecost but different: 

This was white fire - white heat:- The refining fire of God; a white heat of resurrection and transformation; and I felt the Lord say: “It is time for My people to choose.” His fire is coming and I believe the Lord is saying as He said to those first apostles before the outpouring of the Spirit; as He said to Moses on approach to the the Holy Mountain, after the journey through the desert: “Conscrate yourselves and be ready” (Exodus 19:11). People have been “playing with Fire” but soon a Fire is coming that will be too hot to handle. And, while the world moves further into turmoil and confusion, we the Church must allow the fire of God’s holiness to consume everything not of Him, that we burn with the white heat of purity, passion and  the Fear of the Lord. Passover is Salvation; Pentecost is Transformation. God will show His glory through us, as the true Light of the world and as a sign to the nations - just like Pentecost- if we are willing. (Exodus 3:1-3; Matthew 21:44).

#watchandpray #FollowingJesus


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