“For He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep “(Psalm 121:4).  

The Lord does not sleep- and neither does His Body: For as surely as the sun sets over one nation - one continent, it is rising upon another, and the prayers of the Saints- the watchmen of the Lord, unified and unceasing, continue to rise as incense before His Face: 

We are One Body in many nations, but what makes us so formidable is that where some of us are resting, others of us are wide awake, continuing to radiate and reflect His Glory. So in essence, we, like our Lord, neither slumber nor sleep.

This is the Body of Messiah: Sanctified; Unified; Glorified: 

Through the Blood; beyond the vale: This is who we are.  This is why we must never, ever stop communing with Him; It is only through Yeshua our Head, that we become One Body.

For this is where everything else begins (just you and I Lord): To discover that secret place, is the reason for the season we are in. 

#PrayFervently #FollowingJesus


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