Revival Through Repentance

I hear so much about, revival: eg: a revival among the youth, has been prophesied for years - (I’m believing God for that one). But my heart is this: 

What if:  The Spirit of Elijah- where the hearts of the older generations will be turned toward the younger; specifically the hearts of the fathers to the children, moved again in the Church?

What if God would instigate a revival that would actually UNITE generations instead of dividing them; young, old, and everyone in between (so it would not be accredited to any specific age group- not accredited to us at all? - a mistake made too many times in the past). For we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. 

What if this awakening began with repentance, weeping, brokenness, as if being “cut to the heart.”? - Pastors - local pastors even breaking down in tears at their own pulpits, in a move of repentance that then would spread throughout their congregations. This is what I believe I saw several years ago.

What if faithful, humble servants- including pastors were raised up from out of the shadows; from out of nowhere- and the Lord was using them? At the same time, the mountains (those who had elevated themselves to a high place) were leveled? Matthew 23:12. 

What if God were to move, not from a platform with a ‘big name’ and a TV camera, but at ground level in the local Church?  I’m not against either platforms or TV cameras BUT........

In short what if the ‘red carpet’ idolatry in the Church was rolled up and put away - the only “red” left being the Blood of Jesus? What if this “awakening” looked nothing like the worldly hierarchy of the Church had envisioned it to look? What if we the Church actually stopping looking like the world, and started looking like “The Church”? 

The Vision…

This was a remnant that spanned many generations - where the old overshadowed the young - and the young in turn, held up the tired arms of the old;

.......There was some shock and confusion- as if “no one could have predicted this!” It was as if, in the Glory of God, we the Church had become a ‘flatline’ _______________   there were no peaks or troughs: We were as a “glassy sea” before the Throne. The  only thing lifted up was the Lord Himself. “I” & “Me” had become obsolete: No man was looked to - only Christ... we were hidden - and because we were hidden, we were One - in Him. Oh His Glory!!!

...A revival through Repentance.

Because it is never EVER about us - only Christ in us; 

and when we truly die to the earth-bound ‘self’ we will experience the true and great awakening.

Written May 25 2020


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