Part II

My people I have kept thousands of my followers through this wilderness. Am I not also able to keep you; to present you blameless and spotless at My coming? Have I not promised that you will tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over every power of the enemy?  Behold I do a new thing and as you press more and more into me and forget what lies behind, you will see it.  I say to you as I said of Israel: that your clothes will not wear out, nor your feet swell, but I will humble you:- I will show you the intentions of your own heart throughout this time; and you will recognize from where your help truly comes.- ask Me and I will do this. (Deuteronomy 8:1-5) But will you do as Israel did, when they, deprived of the things of this world, began to crave in their flesh and scorned both My provision and My Presence? Or will you follow the footsteps of My son, who although weakened in His flesh, knew that man does not live by bread alone, but every Word of God. When tempted by the evil one, will you stand fast, as He did even though His flesh was weak, and press confidently forward?  I see how you struggle: Your flesh is inherently weak. (and will die because of sin), BUT My Child do you not know that your spirit is Alive because of righteousness - and therefore it is WILLING! Through the Spirit, you have become One with Me - Romans 8. I will turn your sorrow into shouts of joy and victory, you who have set your face to seek Me; I will turn your song from minor to major, from weeping to rejoicing, you whose hearts are set on finding Me - This I promise: Psalm 84:5-7 

So forget the former things of this world: 

Put your trust completely in My Word; 

Place your life under My Blood; 

Submit your soul to My Spirit: 

Follow Me and DON’T look back. For My church is designed not to remain stagnant but to continue to forcefully advance - in the face of ANY enemy: Psalm 91:13. 

(Matt 26:41, Jude 24-25, Luke 10:18-20, Matt 28:18-20, Psalms 84:5-7, Deut 8, Romans 8.)

#SeekTheLord #FollowingJesus


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