I saw the Blood of Jesus like a shield around His people and the arrows of Psalm 91:5 literally burn up even before impact.  This is what happens when Death comes face to face with Resurrection Life (Leviticus 17:11). And the Lord showed me: “When you deny yourselves, take up your cross and follow Me; when through REPENTANCE, weeping, brokenness, you empty yourself of ‘self’ and TRULY seek after Me with ALL your heart, you will become vessels overflowing with MY Kingdom, MY LIFE; and you will be enveloped in My Blood - which is Pure Resurrection LIFE:  Death cannot touch you; cannot approach you; if it does then Death itself will die Exodus 12:13. (The blood was encompassing people literally like a bubble, over the head and also under the soles of the feet - psalm 91:13: This psalm is not just about defense)

The Spirit of Elijah is coming (Malachi 4:5,) and the Spirit of Elisha (Luke 4:18). ~~Elijah prayed for God to raise the dead; Elisha simply did~~

This is the Gift that I died to give you, Beloved:  MY LIFE ๐Ÿ’”❣️๐Ÿ’ž if you will receive it”.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57, 2Timothy 1:9-10, Hebrews 2:14, Revelation 1:17-18

....because you will not come up from the wilderness,- from this hard season until you have REALLY learned to lean completely on ME. (Song of Solomon 8:5) Wake Up My People; Arise! For I am allowing this shaking for YOU”

#NothingButTheBlood #FollowingJesus2020


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