So this is a really hard thing for me to write, but when you look at the picture below does it make you feel pleasant? How much less do we think it hurts the Lord when squabbles about the color of a person’s skin infiltrate into the Church from the world?- and actually on social media!  I speak from first hand experience: In case anyone hasn’t noticed, I’m not exactly white. I grew up in ‘white working class’ Yorkshire, in Great Britain in the 1970’s at a time when racism was on the rise and being the ONLY mixed race person at least for the first 10 years of school, I was (not so politely) referred to as “half-cast”. I went through school feeling like and being treated as a third-class citizen: I was ostracized and felt inferior, and times are not like today: there was no support or lobby group I could go to for help or acceptance. I went through life bitter, self-centered and lacking in confidence. Then I was found by the Lord - and.... I GREW UP - and was brought low, by the truth of this:-

i) I was a sinner and needed salvation: regardless of the color of my skin;

ii) God loved me, no more and no less than he loved any of his other children: I was no more or less special than anyone else: regardless of the color of my skin;

iii) My life is not my own - I am required to lay it down daily, for whosoever: regardless of the color of my skin;

iiiv) I am required to preach the Gospel and demonstrate the love of Christ just like everyone else: regardless of the color of my skin;

v) I am mandated to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me: regardless of the color of my skin;

vi) I will be judged by the same standard as everyone else - Jesus: regardless of the color of my skin; 

vii) I am valued by God: regardless of the color of my skin;

viii) My identity is in Christ: regardless of the color of my skin;

ix) God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son who offered Himself as a spotless Lamb, for my sin: regardless of the color of HIS SKIN. 

x) We are many members; ONE BODY; all standing before a Holy God on an equal footing: sinners saved by GRACE: regardless of the color of our skin. 

Should we not have moved beyond this now? Do we honestly believe that this kind of behavior on Facebook is acceptable and honoring to God? There is No excuse for what is happening now! NONE! 

We are not of this world. Why are we behaving like we are?

*** (This is not written for sympathy or condolences...I have had a life-time of those. But God never meant for it to be about us: the only thing that matters is Christ & Him crucified. We should have died to “self” a long time ago)***


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