I apologize because this is a long one: Excerpt from prophetic word posted Fri 05/15/20 “And as the prayers of the Saints went up from the Alter before God, I saw flames - fire in the midst of the incense. Like the fire of Pentecost but different: This was white fire - white heat:- The refining fire of God; a white heat of resurrection and transformation” ~~~ 05/17/20: And an angel came and took the fire from the alter and I saw something like a door open up between Heaven and Earth. Angels began descending and ascending with prayer mixed with the fire. I did not see nations - only individual hearts that the fire began to burn within - Saints who were looking Heavenwards. (Philippians 3:13-14; Colossians 3:1-17). I saw the burning in people’s hearts and also in their MINDS. As these purifying fires burned, I sensed black smoke begin rising up - from hidden sin, demonic strongholds and mental addictions being surfaced and dealt with. From this convicti...